In the past week two different posts of mine (without being flagged as inappropriate) were taken down by Facebook for other unknown reasons, which is fine, I can just post it here, so it's at the bottom. But it reminded me that I don't think I'm nearly careful enough about decreasing my online footprint in solidarity with those who need to do covert things away from the prying/opportunistic eyes of the gigantic corporations that own and sell our data. Unless someone is in the middle of a protest, how does one really
understand the importance of online privacy as well as 'challenging the
algorithms' that create information bubbles? I've talked with many people who just shrug and say that we
just gave it up and that's that.
Similarly, Rachel also pointed out that we're applying for all of
these grants but there is still an invisible labor and a product taking
place. We do quite a bit of bureaucratic work just for the possibility
that an organization can find us, and decide if they want to help us,
maybe use us to help market themselves and in the end the only thing we
know for sure is that they have a whole lot more information on us than
we do on them.
Before I go on, I thought it would be fun to give a quick hack for anonymity/no tracking that requires no technological knowledge: Share a password to a Gmail account, then feel free to keep editing the draft among yourselves. This was the basis for a group called 'neverhitsend'.
What's the best way to think about it? Is it that we need to 'educate' people to have online hygiene, in the same way that we have to teach people how to be less vulnerable to scammers? It seems like the problem, like with climate change, is that too many people don't know or believe that it's a big problem. I'm one of them... and i've been trying to figure it out for years now, but the furthest I've gotten is paying for a VPN... I'm waiting for a good friend to tap me on the shoulder and show me that everyone else has been on an alternative to Instagram/Facebook, an alternative to Gmail, an alternative to Google Maps, an alternative to Google Drive... the amount of 'free' things that I utilize goes on and on.
Isn't is strange that we kindof use the term 'online footprint' which sounds like one's 'carbon footprint' (especially when cloud based services and data servers actually have a large carbon footprint that is kept mostly a secret). And an online footprint is more like leaving a trail of your previously private information, but supposedly, we approved in some small print somewhere that they could clip on a tracking advice in exchange for convenience. Since there's been a lot of really good memes lately, maybe someone can construct a better analogy?:
Imagine almost everyone wearing an N95 respirator mask (for a timely metaphor) or better yet, one of those heavy duty respirator mask where you can change out the canisters. It's just something we're getting used to needing to wear all the time so there's a lot of talk about using them 'correctly'.
Outside that conversation about their efficacy a technological discovery comes into fashion where one can add a straw or tube through the mask, and all of a sudden there's the amazing convenience where people to hear you better (you're not super muffled anymore) and it gets recorded or maybe you can now do something novel that never existed before, being able to drink something through a straw without taking off your mask and for the most part it's safe enough. With this technology that can control what goes in and out, you're aware that some people don't even wear masks to protect themselves from viruses, but these companies promise that it'll be just as safe as keeping your mask on. But if you really think about it, you might remove the straw when you realize you don't want to be connected anymore, but you still have this hole in your mask that compromises the whole point of wearing one in the first place. You still have all of this stuff that you wanted to be recorded, but now you don't want it up, and you definitely don't get access to change that either.
I went on a longer rant that equated getting bubbles in the straw were pop-up ads and how you think you're doing this to control 100% of viruses, but I digress...
In terms of getting these messages across I just want to take a moment to advertise for a group that I'm in: Workshopping Work Beyond Capitalism that previously was another group that met up monthly called The Future of Labor, and we made these t-shirts that YOU can also get, but only if you join us!:
Being as private as possible online, just like everything else, has become a politicized issue. I may be generalizing incorrectly but trying to get stronger privacy laws and privacy based apps/programs is perceived as something utilized by the far lefties terrorists that have some kind of connection to the tech sector, definitely not for the conservatives who believe that any kind of regulation will harm the best business practices of the internet of Laissez-faire (not the actual free-ness of it, but the ability to commodify everything from fast lanes to censuring and quelling protests).
But at its worse the, "I have nothing to hide" sentiment that I hear in response, regardless of political leaning, is worrisome.
One of the tasks at hand is to understand the power dynamic, the leverage that changes when we open up systems that we partake in en masse (regardless if it's legal or not, like with downloading free music) and businesses will both act shocked as if the world is ending, but in reality they will always seem to know how to adapt (if it has to) and get more from us than we even know. At it's worse, as I think we're about to find out. Again, it's not until shit hits the fan that we realize how used, how vulnerable we are, that once we're a target for whatever scapegoating reason. At that moment, we're not exactly hard to find, so we better hope that the politics ends up working in our favor and that it is us, not president Trump, that ends up getting pardoned for the things that we say and do. Maybe there's other things that are really bad about it all, but I don't know them, and it hasn't stopped me from posting on Facebook/Gmail/MacBook Pro/ etc. so I guess I'm asking for someone to ELI5, why exactly and how exactly do we get disconnected from these corporate technologies? I want to believe, but from my surface experience with making the switches, it simply hasn't changed my habits.
Ok, this was my post that got taken down, except now with images!:
-- -- --
All I want to do is punch my way through being
overwhelmed by all of the resources from BlackOutTuesday, compile all of
the various things to sort by topic then compare to figure which advice
is most solid/accessible and which may just be outdated,
if it is offered by a white identified person, or a black identified person, and put it into a visual mind map where each link also includes versions of things that may not have yet been transcribed, so that maybe others won't have to stumble through trying to find something again through Instagram stories of TikTok videos crosschecked with Snopes, spend 4 hours a day trying to comb through reposts of IGTV posts that I forgot to Like, or Save or Screen record and then remember what I was doing before getting overwhelmed.
[Examples of differing information where it's all good advice but slightly different: Dealing with myths/methods of dealing with tear gas between Rana Nazzal (Milk not water!) @Ajadventure (Liquid Antacids not Milk!) then Danielle Guldin (Knowledge that helps one stay calm not Baking Soda! although now I feel the need to track down where someone recommends baking soda)]
if it is offered by a white identified person, or a black identified person, and put it into a visual mind map where each link also includes versions of things that may not have yet been transcribed, so that maybe others won't have to stumble through trying to find something again through Instagram stories of TikTok videos crosschecked with Snopes, spend 4 hours a day trying to comb through reposts of IGTV posts that I forgot to Like, or Save or Screen record and then remember what I was doing before getting overwhelmed.
[Examples of differing information where it's all good advice but slightly different: Dealing with myths/methods of dealing with tear gas between Rana Nazzal (Milk not water!) @Ajadventure (Liquid Antacids not Milk!) then Danielle Guldin (Knowledge that helps one stay calm not Baking Soda! although now I feel the need to track down where someone recommends baking soda)]
In terms of resources and accessibility most likely when you'd come across a resource it's not always transcribed or translated or summarized or all 3. Should you go off of who is giving the advice and how they describe their qualifications? Do you go off the # of likes, # of views, the # of shares? Was it first put up on Twitter, Tik Tok or IGTV? Does it have the right hashtags? Or just trust that since it hasn't been flagged since being up at least a week, it must all be good enough information?
This is what I mean by being overwhelmed... how can a non-organized person access this information when we already assume we're informed consumers... but also we assume that when we save all of these posts we'll just somehow magically want to find the time to go back and read all of it.
Just like the original anarchists' cookbook, it has the naughty fun of being information that you shouldn't know but unlike right now, it feels like the Library of Babel version of that.
This is what I mean by being overwhelmed... how can a non-organized person access this information when we already assume we're informed consumers... but also we assume that when we save all of these posts we'll just somehow magically want to find the time to go back and read all of it.
Just like the original anarchists' cookbook, it has the naughty fun of being information that you shouldn't know but unlike right now, it feels like the Library of Babel version of that.
Everything below is what I just sent to a friend, tag anyone who you think is on the fence, i gravitate towards accessibility (even from just a glance):
- Best FAQ I’ve seen so far about defunding the Police:
- After WWII people in Germany actively looked out for ‘Neo-Nazis’ to keep them in check, the Me-Too movement made public a Black list of high up sexual predators, now there’s a list of the police brutality JUST during the peaceful protests:
- Scary but, never thought about it that way before in terms of "It’s not
going to kill you” that's just one takeaway from a lot of history laid
out by #SonyaReneeTaylor:
- Lots of people are posting places to donate your money, like this:
- Wouldn’t reparations make more sense than how disproportionately the
police (and military) are currently funded?: - but what’s the incentive for white people to do such a thing who rail
against identity politics?
Ok I stumbled on this a while ago when I was doing research for
stand-up, but I feel like humor is the way to go as far as
‘communicating’ goes:
(it seems even more relevant today, but unfortunately has come to an end) - More good humor about people talking about why we use the terms we use:
- "Yes, it originated from China, but the technical term is COVID-19. Your mom originated from the back of a Buick Skylark, but we call her Judith. Don't be mean.”
- “please do not use words like “policeman” or “policewoman” Use gender neutral terms like “tool of the bourgeoisie” and “enemy of the people"
- “If I’m a sarcastic asshole when I talk to you its either because I
really like you and feel comfortable teasing you, Or I really hate you
and don’t care if you know it. Good luck figuring out which one.”
(I couldn’t trace the original authors for any of those fun quotes)
- 5 Ways White People Can Take Action in Response to White and State-Sanctioned Violence (From White People 4 Black Lives)
- Come out as anti-racist and invite others to join you. Be public and vocal about which side you are on, share details of the actions you are taking to make this commitment real, and invite others to join you.
- Join fights to defund the police. It’s local budget season and right now across the country towns and cities are deciding how your community will spend its resources. Join your local group already doing this work or plan an action to tell decision makers what your community really needs — like mental health services and affordable housing — instead of more funding for police.
- Make a commitment to “organize your own” for the long haul. White communities are used to uphold the power structure and business-as-usual. When we break away and join movements for justice, this can help tip the balance of power and win real change. For too long, those at the top have relied on the silence of white folks to keep things as they are — and then we all lose. Our work is to organize in our own communities to bring more white people into struggles for justice, and to support the efforts led by people of color.
- Focus on building our numbers, not being right. To end police brutality, white supremacy, and to build a movement to get us all free, we need to move people with us — namely people who are conflicted or watching from the sidelines.
- Help resource the work of Black-led groups that are fighting for police accountability and abolition. Find and support a local group in your community or move your money to the front lines in Minneapolis. Make sure folks most impacted have the resources to stay in the streets and dream up the most powerful, transformative pathways forward.