Sunday, April 26, 2020

ADHD Guide for/by Artists, Day 5

What is this project? Aren't there already ADHD resources?

i wanted to have a place i could put all of my research so i created a Patreon page:

[Image #1 shows a triple Venn Diagram overlaps and reads
social justice, ADHD, and art practice. In the center it's got you and me]
[Image #2 shows another triple Venn Diagram, which of course we all know is named after Thomas Venn, Lebanese mathematician. Who is actually reading these? Anyways moving on...]
[There's a red-ish circle that contains the words]
ADDitudes, ADHD Community, alien comics and DENSE CLINICAL INFORMATION.
[Around the perimeter in red it reads]: skews towards diagnosis & anecdotes, usually thrives online
[There's a green circle that contains the words]
feminist, care work [which is a book], anti-capitalist, disability justice, [and most of the word] 'intersectionality'.
[Around the perimeter in green it reads]: skews towards academia & policy, usually thrives in books 
[Between those two circles in tan are the words]:
Pride, 'krip' (crip) time, and neurodiversity.
[and at the bottom is a blue circle that has the text:]
what i don't yet understand but i want to WITH people, and perhaps an artist is someone that finishes things (as opposed to just talking or thinking about it) but also gets away with a lot.
[Around the perimeter in blue it reads:] skews towards whatever is free, usually thrives on intuition.
[Where it overlaps with the green circle it says]: supporting friends & ourselves right now in the world 

In the very center, a bold yellow color, it reads, 
questioning productivity, How do we all become less precarious?, & what can we do together?
[Lastly in the overlap between the red and the blue, it says] PATREON [in their very specific, brand-approved font/logo.]
[Below the diagram it reads]:
in this diagram i am the blue circle, and the reddest circle are the good folk raising ADHD awareness online, and in the green are the queer, radical, analytical, unapologetic, policy pushing, political, intellectual, anti-neoliberal, witchy, POC badasses; whose writings we pass among ourselves... dreaming
[in grey italics it reads]:
but i feel like i’m always missing something... like I’d need a PhD to get all the theory, and on the other hand, all of the popular notions we have of ADHD are built upon the research of a few old white male experts...  Or rather, I’d like to point out: 
Is the information they provide for those with ‘Time-Blindness’ actually accessible?
They think so.
[it goes on...]
i keep thinking about that overlap in the middle... where art is made to question, (not only illustrate,) the complexities raised by Intention Deficit Disorder,
[it looks like the guy ran out of room to fit the word Disorder... it's just jammed in there.]
where we “question the maps & models of the universe;” [a snippet of a quote credited to brain pickings]
as it could form the basis for an ADHD Guide for/by Artists.
I think that alone is a project worth your support, but I’ll also be exploring these two questions out loud: 
What is the relationship between ADHD and being an artist (using my own practice as a starting point)? 
And could ADHD symptoms illuminate and even confront Capitalism, where those with the disorder who fail to meet its demands find solidarity?
[That is all on a dark grey background.]

And all of those diagrams were based on when i finished a conversation with Amara Leipzig and felt inspired to jot down the following:
[Image is of my notes: Text that is not already included in the other diagrams: At the bottom it reads in different colors: ALL CIRCLES EXIST IN MULTITUDES NOT MONOLITHIC, Differences (Between ADHD advocates online and QTBIPOC): The way the latter pre-includes ADHD giving us fancy words like "neurodiversity" instead of "empath" so there's not just authority but a base of social justice rather than individuality to rely on. They have a plan, intellectuals, multiple authors, a history of fighting for everyone. Solution oriented? Then on the side it reads Social Justice Advocates: Badasses Pure and simple, This probably exists but isn't stated so plainly, it's perhaps where "disability" as an ableist concept doens't really exist. I want to meet you! = ADHD advocates online/Social Justice Advocates overlapping area, "Hello Brains!" The beginning of most people's journey: Diagnosis on one's terms --> relief --> opening up. Things that sure "exist" but what if I want to "question our maps & models of the universe? What if it's not quite accessible = ADHD advocates online, The very center is marked as "The grey area where I will be i anyone needs me.", I'm hesistant to only "prove" my membership. But maybe in this place people (including myself) feel free to speculate, not worry about perfect but DONE, what I love is that this is where art inadvertently gets made. Lastly, the bubble representing me (which later turned into representing an artistic approach) reads: i am this bubble. i am "pathologically curious", i also identify as he, him, his, artist - educator -friend, i have "time blindness", from an upper-middle-class white suburban upbringing, i may be undergoing a lot of change very soon, but in the meantime having time for my own projects is LONG OVERDUE, i love to dance, make and talk about art, i love analyzing movies and talking about the ideas with people...]

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