Saturday, April 25, 2020

ADHD Guide for/by Artists, Day 4

You can kindof tell just by looking at the banner of the patreon page, what my floor looks like!
i told myself that Post #4 should be the post that would include all of the resources that i liked (but also to make it a quick reference point for myself), and they technically are in here, they're just at the very bottom of this post as a 'caption'.

i also thought that it looked like i've been typing too much in these blog posts... so i tried to see if scanning my writing would work better? See, i had this clever idea of trying to only have to write/type everything out once, then posting a picture of that brainstorming session. It would cut the amount of work i try to do in half! but of course, it all depends on how the experiment goes...

this wasn't out of laziness mind you, it's just that once i identify an obstacle, if i don't come up with something to deal with it, i know it'll compound until i subconsciously avoid doing/finishing the whole thing altogether. So even though my erratic handwriting might not quite be up to snuff, all the basic info i felt necessary to get out, is all in here.

And i did re-write one of them (can you tell which one?) because there was enough scratched out things, smudged corrections, and running out of room that it warranted a total do over... (and i think it still looks too messy...)

If you've got the ability to support this project, you'd really be giving me that external boost i usually need to finish things properly, to follow things to their conclusion. Your presence will be giving me the encouragement i need to keep the whole project from running off the rails. Oh accountability how you do wonders!

So please do consider becoming a subcriber on in the meantime i'll keep trying to figure out how to make things as legible as possible.

[Image in my handwriting that says: Would it be easier if I just wrote it once, left edits as they were? (I’m better at improvising anyways)
  • Defined time, limiting the itime
  • Can fashion its ‘look’ or output before starting (i.e. squares if i intended to post it on instagram later)
  • not on computer, can touch it!
  • Who would want to see your edits?
  • Isn't it just brainstorming? Making sh*t up as you go?
  • Is it the same as a finished / processed thought]

[Image of my handwriting that says at the top: ORGANIZATIONAL VOICES IN MY HEAD 
and below that are these texts in bubbles:
  • List the priorities, dont prioritize the list
  • Can you limit the amount of time you stress out on it?
  • Done is betta than good.
  • If you could only put out into the world something you were ok with maintaining is it still worth doing?
And outside of those bubbles crammed in-between it says:
Are you Jamming in too much?
Do less with more]
[Image of my handwriting that says: 
What I’ve been Looking at (resources)
(and i'm still making my way through them)
also these are by brainstorm order not by priority.

    1. This 'coronavirus schedule' by Redditor u/healeys23
    2. How to ADHD by Jessica McCabe
    3. Diagrams by Dani Donovan 
    4. Diaristic / explanatory comics by ADHD ALIEN
    5. Books about the broader aspects of mental health (not specific to ADHD)|
      a. Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha' book, 'Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice'
      b. J. Jack Halbersam's book, 'The Queer Art of Failure'
      c. Adrienne Maree Brown's book, “Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds"
      d. Bessel A. van der Kolk's book, ‘The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma'
    6. 'Sick Woman Theory’ and this epistolary essay by Johanna Hedva
    7. Dr. Russell Barkley’s Lectures found on YouTube and his book ‘Taking Charge of Adult ADHD' 
    8. Inspirational movies about… “Emotional Rescue"?
      a. Crip Camp (2020)
      b. Inside Out (2015)]

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