Thursday, April 30, 2020

ADHD Guide for/by Artists, Day 9

Precise Words (Terminology) are important.

“Crip” is a word used by many people in disabled communities as a fuck-you, in-your-face reclaimed word, short for cripple—similar to how queers have reclaimed the word “queer.” Not everyone likes it or uses it; people have complex feeling about it, and it’s not great for abled people to use it. Leroy Moore coined the term “Krip” to avoid using a term that also is the name of the Crip gang/street economic organization.”
Excerpt From: Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha. “Care Work.” (p. 105)

More definitions that were kindof on 'repeat' from doing a year and a half of weekly talk therapy with a Mr. Berger:
Image text reads: A Therapist-ism Glossary, What is... Anxiety: the surge of feelings that rise up against being pushed down, Depression: pushing down feelings, usually when trying to be productive, Healthy: This is a paradox. It involves increasing your ability to feel, less hopelessness, being more self-aware, less neurotic, probably more grounded in reality, but these are not the goals in and of themselves,(i.e. you may know that it’s important to feel warm and safe, but you don’t become healthy by pursuing warmth & safety), Normal: whatever childhood looked like to you when growing up, Personality: something you develop to protect yourself, especially from feelings that are too painful to feel on your own, Talk Therapy: mental health care in which someone (usually trained in psychotherapy) helps you to feel feelings that are too painful to feel on your own. The goal is to reduce anxiety and depression so that you don’t end up losing 20 years of life to some kind of addiction (whatever it is that you do to avoid painful feelings)

Some people believe that if we say 'negative' words we are more likely to make negative things come true, and the same logic would apply to 'positive' words. Although there are no 'positive' or 'negative' emotions, Jodorowsky found it important to have his own version of 'Politically Correct' ways of speaking, which is to say, "Intellectually Correct":

Image Text Reads: “Intelectualmente Correcto” from lessons for Mutant, "Psychomagic" by Alejandro Jodorosky
very few times instead of never,
often instead of always
someone who took something that belongs to someone else instead of thief,
unknown expanse instead of infinite
incomprehensable time instead of eternal,
you show me how to learn from myself instead of you are my teacher,
I am being ineffective instead of I want to do,
I reject what I am instead of I want to be,
allow me to take instead of give me,
I do not respect you instead of imitate me,
the being with whom I share my life instead of my wife/husband/partner,
what I have been given to do instead of my work,
I perceive you this way instead of you are like this,
what I have now instead of mine,
to change form instead of die

to be each day less confused instead of Decision
to be each day less cowardly instead of Bravery
to be each time less dumb instead of Intelligence
to be each day less anxious instead of Happiness

I continue instead of I begin,
I feel good instead of Beautiful day,
Change activity instead of to fail,
I believe instead of I know,
I am responsible instead of I am to blame

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