Saturday, July 20, 2013

Last week of "Indirectly Yours" starts Tuesday, ends Friday.

I made GIFS of me dancing around the work...

This is what I do when I'm invigilating for the show when I'm not writing up proposals or chatting with visitors.

It's been lovely having so many people visit the show (and sometimes multiple times!) John and I will be de-installing Friday evening and we're having an art giveaway for those who would like to give one of the plaster casts a good home.

This will take place Friday evening for people who contact me via phone but also Saturday from Noon - 2.

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I also just started to transcribe out of boredom a picture I took of a work of art by Peter Davies that I was unsure whether or not I understood the work... For some reason reading it one after another reminded me of Ross Little's artist talk when he was reading off catchy phrases to get a positive response from someone. Some things stick out, while mostly you're between imagining how effective it is and not knowing whether or not the author is sincere as the words just seem to flow to somewhere else...

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Why is British Art So Crap? There's a whole century of mediocrity and ineptitude. Why would anyone ever be interested. Take a look AT THE EVIDENCE, Pre-1990s its All rubbish

Michael Andrews Ayers Rock, Lynn Chadwick suffering man sculptures, Leon Kossof dirty swimming pools, Patrick Proctor please behave, Eduardo Paolozzi I was a rich man's plaything, Stanley Spencer religious fundamentalist, Derek Boshier Ku Klux Klan,

John Bellany too much boozing, Andrej Jackowski too much/too little acid, Alan Davie Mad Old Hippie, Art and Language crap conceptualism, Terry Atkinson the same, Paul Nash war what is it good for, John Nash shadow of his brother, David Nash family tree, Scotitsh 80's Figuration-

Celtic Authenticity Bullshit - Steven Campbell, Stephen Conroy, Ken Currie, Peter Howson, Adrian Wisniewszki all got lucky on the shirt tails of transavantgaurdia, Tess Jaray what can I say, Ian Hamilton Finlay it's all a battle at Little Sparta, Sean Scully not really British or even living here, David Hockney

started off well but all the other shit ruined it, Tony Bevan what on earth is in that paint, Craigie Aitchison he'd crucify me, Rosefinn Kelcey a bit steamy, Richard Wilson oil schlick, Sylvia Ziranek for obvious reasons, Bobby Baker cookery as art, Anne Bean, Peter Fink, Paul

Burwell Bow Gamelan embarassing drum bashing, Brian Catling VIDEO SEANCE, Kipper Kids scatological slapstick, anything associated with Robin Klassnick mail art etc, Caroline Bergvall nonsensical boring poetry performances, Bloomsbury they all shagged each

other Vanessa Bell have a bath, Duncan Grant do the Charleston, Clive Bell significant form, Henry Lamb new England art club, all crap, camden Town group, Walter Richard Sickert Jack the Ripper apostle of mad art, Spencer Gore Rule Brittania, St Ives group a lot to answer for, Peter

Lanyon Cornish paste, Roger Hilton Oi Argh Argh, William Scott post Rothko abstractions from reality, Terry Frost poor mans Elsworth Kelly drawings, Bryan Winter wiggly lines, Patrick Heron blame Matisse, Barbara Hepsworth holes a hole (see Rachel Whiteread), Ben Nicholson flat reliefs, and the

constructive tendency such as Victor Pasmore turncoat, Claude Rogers he of the Euston Road School a Real Place and William Coldstream Original Slade Measurer, Adrian Heathmore 50s style abstraction see Helion and the constructionists Anthony Hill, Kenneth and Mary Martin double trouble, Naum Gabo played with kinetics and perspex, so many

useless groups, Alfred Wallis crazy fisherman dude, Gwen John shagged Rodin, brother Augustus John most famous ever Welsh artist, Rodrigo Moynihan objective abstraction father of Danny the great writer, Therese Oulton very nasty ugly surfaces, 

John Virtue lost In the countryside, Victor Burgin what does consumption mean to you, John Latham throw the book at him, Stuart Brisley lock him up with his Xmas dinner to stare at it, Barry Flanagan piles (of shit) Graham Sutherland British surrealism, Sir

Roland Penrose the leader, John Piper Nostalgic Romanticism, Wyndham Lewis (Percy) mr avante grade blast Vorticism, David Bomberg hold on, CRW Nevinson their Futurist rival, Ivon Hitchens sweet, Prunella Clough enough, R B Kitaj calm down angry man, so called London group, Frank

Auerbach much paint wastage, Lucien Freud antisocial behaviour, Francis Bacon supposedly the star one, British pop art, Allen Jones he likes em on all fours, Richard Hamilton Independent group 11 commandments, Peter Blake Americana in the suburbs, remember brotherhood of ruralists, David Inshaw creepy English scenes, Patrick

Caulfield see Lichtenstein, Pauline Bety the only blonde in the world, Peter Phillips another 60's also ran, Gerard Laing Robert Indiana's assistant, Joe Tilson box pop, America stole Pop, Jeffrey Camp is he, John Hoyland groovy in the 60's not now, Michael Moon Strip Paintings,

conceptualism fucked all that stuff over, Albert Irvin every office has one, Basil Beattie playing up, Bernard Cohen zany- capt. Shit eat your heart out, David Remfry stop I think I might puke, Edward Burra Low Life Scum, Beryl Cook fat slags, Eric Ravilious

greenhouse effect, Jacob Epstein sex and nudity, Eric Gill with a thrill, Cecil Collins I promised you a miracle, Ken Kiff wild child, Philip King tea la la, Richard Smith tailspin, Jeremy Moon died young, Bridget Riley HEADACHE images, Barrie Cook sort of spray gun version, Michael Kidner coloured in version, 

Peter Sedgley 2nd rate striped op, Michael Dillon Op structure, John Walker liked cheapness, Allan Charlton how and why, Alan Green like Ad Rheinhardt/Barnett Newman, William Green boring action paintings, Anthony Green a really big hit, Peter Joseph abstract significance through colour, 

Gillian Ayres give me Sam Francis any day, Kenneth Armitage hammerhead,s Eileen Agar assemblage, David Tremlett MESSED UP the walls, Susan Trangmar forest projectors. Tony Carter was at A. Reynolds, Leonard Mccomb fuck off gold leaf homo erotic figure that Wallinger

copied, Stephen Mckenna kitsch, Clive Barker chrome, William Holman Hunt Preraphaelite sexual corruption, Cathy de Monchaux talcum powder, Euan Uglow another Slade measurer, Adrian Stokes lot of still life, Jack Smith kitchen sink, Ivor Abrahams cock up, Maurice,

Cockrill Anthology suite, Norman Adams warrior angel, Sarah Raphael a little world turned upside down. Paule Vezelay really Marjorie Watson-Williams, David Mach killer sub, Richard Deacon bent wood, Tony Cragg SCRAP YARD, Anish Kapoor powder puff, Lisson/now object

sculptors, Bill Woodrow lost it, Adrian Berg what a drip, Frank Dobson clunky figures, Andy Goldsworthy sticks and stones, Chris Drury leaves and twigs, Jo Stockham used to be in lots of shows, Stephen Willats social comment, Ian Breakwell De La Warr dance, Howard Hodgkin too

many city breaks, William Tillyer poor mans version, Terry Setch skateboarders, Norman Ackroyd over atmospheric, William Turnbull primitive modernist, A footnote to colorfield - John McLean, Geoff Ridgen, John Golding, Gary Wragg tai chi, Alan Gouk ab ex via

French realism, Jock McFadyen inner city, David Tress gritty Landscape, Conroy Maddox see Magritte etc, Tom Phillips collects postcards, Glyn Williams the professor, Elizabeth Frink existentialist bohemian, Helen Chadwick Schlocolate fountain, David Medalla bubble machine, John Goto socialist conceptualist

montage, Mary Kelly post partum document, Gilbert and George Bum Holes, Langlands and Bell rhymes with hell, Avis Newman poor show, John Murphy barking, Maria Chevska give us a break,Sonia Boyce blankets from afro hair wigs, Alison Wilding

house of cards, Simo n C all ery dreary, Grenville Da vey can where d d he 11 ' twont. a edon1 an road, Introverted performances., avid Leapman day glo, Rrchard Long \va.Jced n" 'll:J.Y' Hamish Fulton .... .....
way, Rashaeed ,.,. ••• ,., $-tcve c-,..... ;11n:tl•ll•rydo.·..-it:<', I an Jones iru .. d.~d:rtv:iiJ.t,Pe rry Roberts vanished ..,..,."'" big Chisenha1eshow, Kerry Trengrove tun ne lled out, Bruce Lacey t he womelliser, Paula Rego a st urbed fairy taleStchr 15 topher Le Brun
f ly in g h o rse s, Ma ggie Hambling 1e.dy1 Stephen -..ckrey one paintin g over .,,.the:r, '..·ibdl~-• u,.~d. rc, .l e:"" H'"" lt.•n nt ·t. .. r.d 1 , S an d ra Bl o w counterpoint to ¥~~hat .,.,ctly, Reg B u t ler poor ma ns D avid Smit h , Noel Forster ll .Jer patterllpaintl H enry
Mun all o'er grid pnintin p;, My les M....,.., more Slade measuring, J o hn Brat by see Alic e Heel, Eil een Cooper school of whatever, Stephen Farthing po:.intl~!!: painting, Ronald Moody Ja1."4 like 11,ure., J•hn W"llllam Waterhouse W:-'~
John Lessore !. dcr· a"1en tal S unday lunch, IIIIa rio Rossi t he end, David Troostwyk Monochrome har d e d g e" s ilhouettes • , :i:l '- ~li nuclear e;:ilil :!J ~~r;:))p!h.!l Kate Whiteford nasty green and reol Painted Installation•, B J h n crap photo r ea 1 . • ' t
en o nso 1 sm . T 1m Scot
peach Wh e e iS r •wid An ll•&loy swing low, W:U\a.mitr:"ltet' de4iea gr ... it rtuu~ Wo~'O H STI!f:ll Engli•h o"PRES"'<>I'II<" Jwlillfl Tra vely.,. ht ! !ked Pawl kloe, Anth any Graaa I ~dl.'VMe, Sto.phcn C~x s am. rrl ~fl ll•r~arl ,..,,.,n .nan e:r known te llrl, Nicholas Pepellls mea.s, GUll r:ummins wt1rtt Q Circus, 80 e Ji)®]j}"
Whl h a w . .. >119~~ crepuo("o,l h r _..,, • • .-.... . . e Sl •u x W•nktt, J•hnWr ., J'A''-''F·It a• ... ••h~ro,Wlllla m lhth e n ntln po rt.a ~t o f h 1S Ch1 ldren 1n fancy dress M- h I Rothenstein . . . yl y
ro a d wor ks , FIIDEJIICI( CUNIMC GlOOM GlOIMGUICII, Antllony s 1
' tC ae han! co•-c cruc1frx10n , Mit hael Petry fiber
P d _ K 1 framed pigment, Mona Hatoum on the stre n gth o f he r early performance work, Andrea F ish e r hand rau Elis a b e t h Blacka dder fl ill st
1 o ptics eter Kennar Wages of SinS Pat au man J c orny ower u rat ons, Be r nard M d
' ' 1 t he North se a Shaheen MeraU EMBARAss 1Na com me nta-ry a bout ethnictty, Mic;hael Ayrton da rk & OO'J@[ii)~\ID'@~ demonic ,1•10,., 1, 1'1ttho01y ,ry ca ows agresSitle d d . I B tha Huws SOt\9 or ' ncand orthals dancinq Michae l v awsho n marbled
. w o un e a:_r;,~ .. ~~ Mln~n n r t . figur•tl"e p• ln tlne •. John craxton Cl rei:! mer . Ge rald WHd • drllf1k • dirty, Mlil rC vaux left ftall ou t , Mar K I..I OIC:::U tcr Wat Jas p6t latins bof(rle nd apparent ly, KnlsMon Hot klng s ert ef all over broken up ab st ract i on .
ctt oc, , Ke>t.h VJ.t:l!het.n ~:-ry ~;; · -•~ · -•-' Robert F ' 1
. C r Cina h ., .. ,. . Chels e a, Adrian Henri k ind of poet painter, Brian Ch a lkley .31 so someti mes Da wn, fl•snc .. ~r .. Gandalph, Sheila Fell i t
from hfe, Harold
Cohen the d'udeS ro er raser, 0 1n t 9 pa n er Y lanclsc a>pes llkeA nne Redpath
s ,uanne Tre ister s u s taine d f a n t asist, Susan Hiller psychotropic su p e r nat u r a l wo r k- spooky, Leigh Bowery at s ome g rim esta tedown East EOI~~&, eauumln" •• m:: . ~:l~p ~~· -Davld Robillar~ afriend of Gilbert and ,.
, . in D V i d W ' f t h 111 • )II -.:,.,.Ia lore a rt, u; LoWT)' -~ , •.d·.c.-;ek rr. 1'1 .... u u. - tAo!tl, :ot-":- • rrro ~lck to fllooa, !1\I.>On De:-~'- M•art .... ot•• /-4).r:q~ - ·ns. Paul W\ anlc-y - I' lti~t.e. r1p -. l'i 'I H , at raw de,- , George wit h St'T ibbly wrttJnu , Zarrna B L photos on she tve• •bowt upbring e g, ~ t Peter R•nd•II.Page 3 ::. s Grac: e .s it sucks, Ken Howard stl.ldb studl o u ... , Ana. Ma.r a. pacheco claustrophobia, Bill Jae klm o ut of t he wood, Pa.ul Nea~u a b it
... \M Gormley dar k a ngel, William Furlong AUDIO ART, Vong Phaophanit Lao1.1a~ r lC .a VSII1ret~h Housh lary lrmi•n mysticism, J ohn Gi bbons ... . cho ~· Pt ure ' J•hOI Newlins , £r\C. Ba inbrldge,_large sea 1 e fake fur sculptures, Ou s ta v M e tzger THREW
touc hy feely, Dh1 11 Mist ry 1,,r: tj'purc at, r:,,.-, wlf o ot W illiam T urnbull , Michael Kenny Wounded by love, Wilhemina Barnes-Graham more soppy St Ives abstraction from nature, ?."l l.J: p Sutton there la 1 ... pnc t 1n the .. ·nods , KoithArutt •.u.w.,.n , JohnWNkln
ACID ho pe washed h~~ han.u, Henry ' I¥ trust fund, Wt n 1 fr e d N1cholson feminine views of nature, Henri Gaudier BRESZKA -the idiot~ . Robyn Denny he got
tl ' ltutl c, J• "" S' "' " s arsc e he re, Joan Eardley gorbals diehards, James Abbot McNeill Whistler lavish lifestyle dandy and wit, Charles Rennie McKintosh designed Glasgow, Henri Gaudier Breszka - the idiot, Nicholas g'ree n monsters, Cerl 1\ic ~;'l(d.~ see Braque, Malcolm Mi>rley _m .,.,,y, Li l iane: Lljn Cl')'a tl l ll all a, Monica
"'~'Jl!l h P lu mb · ma l abs tractaons, Frank Bowhng a.r..m • • 1 f
R a u s ehe nberg a ll .-.; :::.~• Jo n · grooveso~ e mlnl • . Bob La w outlines, Keith Mdow improve<~ reproductions, "~lD\J\J~ MorriS over 0 De Chtrlco, Ed wo.1'd Wadsworth more CRAP Brit
• r • M K ve r own hideous patntlngs, Ja ..... M ...... ~oo b~d Agn es Martr n&, ..
ld g iving . , la n c ee .,.rill check this out and Robe rt MacBryde the other one, Celia Paul transcendental portraits, i·Shan hierenber@, appalling S\lb • Fro~o~d fi~ltion
surrealism, Robert Colquhuon TH E FO RT U NE teller -Magnus vo• ··· ;:t~ ny Car• ..... .... dumber Ha mad Butt polson gas i n glass t ubes, CnrdWcighL Uepham Junction, lan Stephenson horrible speckled paint effect

Seems that OCR recognizable text only goes so far...

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